What if someone steals my Google Glass?
Until you have revoked the device from accessing your account, they will be able to make payments. If you suspect your device has been stolen, revoke access on the EAZE website as soon as possible. In the future we will add a spending limit which is manually set and secured with a PIN code.
Is EAZE only supporting Google Glass?
At the moment we are. We will be adding other wearables like watches, bracelets and rings in the future.
Is EAZE only supporting Bitcoins?
At the moment we are. We have found Bitcoin to be an excellent technology to create frictionless payments on wearables. We are in discussion with banks and other payment providers.
What if someone else scans my QR code?
After scanning the QR code and connecting your device, you have to confirm your device was succesfully connected. If connecting your device by scanning the QR code fails, because someone else scanned the code before you did, you can generate a new QR code. Because the previously generated QR code will never be confirmed, it can never be used to access your account.
Can I now only nod with my Glass when I want to do a payment?
No. It is still safe to nod while wearing Glass. The Nod To Pay service only works after you have activated the app with the command 'Ok Glass, make a payment" and after you have a scanned a QR code that has payment details.
What are the costs?
EAZE is free for now.
How do I open EAZE on Glass?
After you have installed the app on Glass, you can open EAZE with the command “Ok Glass, Make a payment”.
Can I do person to person payments?
Yes. You can pay others by scanning a QR code on their mobile phone. We are working on Glass to Glass payments.
Which shops support EAZE?
Any retailer/merchant that accepts bitcoin automatically also accepts EAZE. EAZE is capable to read all QR codes generated by bitcoin wallets.
Can I use EAZE if I don't have an account on Blockchain.info or Coinbase?
At the moment not. To make payments you need to connect to one of these wallets. We will be adding other wallets in the future.
How do I get EAZE on my Glass?
Please go to our Download App page for further instructions
Will you support more currencies and coins in the future?
Yes. We will try to add as many wallets to Glass as possible. We welcome all suggestions.
Will you also develop other apps, like Nod to Pay, for other wearables?
Yes! Nod to Pay is the start. We are currently investigating how to make payments easy on watches, bracelets and rings.
Does Eaze make payments on my behalf?
No, all payments are made from your own devices. Your wallet data is encrypted before being stored in your account, and will only be decrypted on your device.
Are my wallets stored on my devices?
With each payment, the wallet data for the selected payment method is retrieved. After making the payment, the wallet data is discarded and will not be stored on your device.